Version-3 (July-Aug-2017)
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Abstract: This work presents the structural deformational features of Sugu Hills and environs. The study area falls within the eastern sector of Nigerian Basement Complex called the Adamawa Massif. The area is made up of gneisses and granitoids which occur as the major lithologic rock units with some acidic and basic intrusions as the minor lithologic rock units. These major lithological rock units are Basement Complex rocks which formed during the pan African thermotectonic event (600 ±150 Ma). The granitic rocks are similar to those found in the Hawal Basement Complex north of the study area. The mapped faults in the area shows a conjugational relationship which dominantly strike in the NE and NW direction, the conjugational...........
Keywords: Bulk strain, Sugu Hill, Shear zone, Conjugate faults and Adamawa Massif
[1] Bassey, N. E., Ahmed, A.S., and Ishaku, J.M., 2012. Hill slope housing development in Vinikilang, Yola, Nigeria: A geo-disaster risk. Jour. Earth Sc. and Geotechnical Engineering 2, 113-129.
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Abstract: The Manair River is an important tributary of river Godavari and forms part of Karimnagar district of Telangana State. The geomorphological studies have been carried out with a view to understand the impact of these parameters over the ground water occurrence in the area. The area is covered with hard rock's i.e., granites and granitic gneisses traversed by dykes and numerous veins of quartz, epidote and pegmatite. The morphometric analysis has been carried out in addition to the study of land forms. The structural features has strong bearing over the development of drainage pattern and it is mostly dendritic to sub-dendritic nature and the Manair river is designated as sixth order stream............
Keywords:Drainage Characteristics, Morphometric Analysis, Geomorphic units, Land forms, Manair Basin, Karimnagar District.
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Abstract: Hydrogeophysical evaluation of Affa and environs, Southeastern Nigeria was carried out to determine the groundwater potential, nature and variation of aquifer conditions as well as hydraulic properties of the area. Twenty-two (22) vertical electrical soundings (VES) were acquired with a maximum half current electrode spacing of 500 metres using ABEM 4000 SAS Terrameter. Eight (8) of the twenty-two (22) VES data were made within the vicinity of existing boreholes for correlation purposes. Computer iterative modeling using 1D Interpex Resistivity Software was applied in the VES data analysis and processing. The interpreted VES results integrated with data from existing boreholes were used to estimate the variation in aquifer hydraulic properties and Dar-Zarrouk parameters.............
Keywords: Hydrogeophysical, Aquifer, Hydraulic Properties, geo-electric layers and Southeastern Nigeria
[1]. Akpabio, I., and Ekpo, E., 2008. Geoelectric Investigation for Groundwater Development of Southern Part of Nigeria. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology; vol. 9, no.1, pp. 219-226.
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[4]. Chinwuko, A.I., Anakwuba, E.K., Okeke, H.C., Usman, A.O., Ovwasa, M.O., and Okoye, I. F. (2015), 'Geo-electric Investigation for Groundwater Potential in Awka Anambra State, Nigeria', International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability (IJSGS), vol. l., no. 1, pp. 85-95.
[5]. Chinwuko, A.I., Anakwuba, E.K., Okeke, H.C., Onyekwelu, C.U., Usman, A.O., Osele, C.E., and Iheme, O.K., 2016), 'Assessment of Hydrogeophysical and Geotechnical Properties in Central Part of Anambra State, Nigeria', International Journal of Geophysics and Geochemistry, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 6-13.
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Abstract: Remotely sensed (RS) image classification has come to be the most generally used technique for categorizing land use land cover (LULC) units on Earth surface. Precise categorization of LULC information has been an arena of research over the past few decades in the remote sensing community. Efficient classification of heterogeneous RS data has been a challenge for researchers over the last two decades. In this paper, embedding the Fuzzy methodology into Spectral Correlation Mapper (SCM) to enhance the classification accuracy of heterogeneous RS data is presented.............
Keywords: Accuracy Assessment, Classification, Fuzzy theory, Remote Sensing, Spectral Correlation Mapper
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Abstract: The study area falls within the Jos Plateau which is underlain by rocks of the Basement Complex and Younger Granite Complex, with some volcanics of quaternary/ Tertiary age. However the study area is partly within the Jos-Bukuru Complex and the Ropp Complex, and covers a total area extent of about 80 km2 . The geological survey of the area was carried out which revealed ten (10) lithologic units differentiated based on the mode of formation, mineralogy and texture and were further classified into three categories based on age as follows: Crystalline Basement Rocks (Migmatite, Porphyritic Biotite granite and Older Granite), Younger Granite Complex (Biotite Microgranite............
Keywords: Geology, Geochemical, Analysis, Background, Concentrations
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Delineation of Groundwater Recharge Zones in West Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dhar. I || Walia. D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0504034854 ![]() |
Abstract: Groundwater is an important natural resource as it serves as a source for potable drinking water. But due to population explosion and improper management, this resource is being depleting drastically. To overcome this problem, technological innovations like Geo-informatics and Remote Sensing are widely used for delineating the groundwater recharge zones. In this study, an attempt has been made to identify and delineate the groundwater recharge zone in parts of Nangbah-Nartiang, West Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya using GIS and Remote Sensing. Various thematic layers such as geology, land use/land cover, lineament density and drainage density were generated. These thematic layers...........
Keywords:Groundwater recharge zone, Thematic layer, Overlay Weighted Model, Geology, Land-use/ Land-cover, Lineament, Meghalaya
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Overview of Mining Sectors in Karnataka, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijayadeep Chandraredddy || Jayaramu.M || Sastry.P.S |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0504035558 ![]() |
Abstract: Karnataka is described as one of the mineral rich states of south India with vast mineral reserves, adding a significant position to Indian mining sector.Karnataka is known for the largest production of several minerals like gold, iron ore, feldspar, manganese, limestone etc. The mining industry in Karnataka has its origin dated back to Palaeozoic era.The present study focuses on different mining areas of Karnataka along with relevance on various mineral production districtsof Karnataka.
Keywords: Karnataka, Mining, mineral ores, Indian economy
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Abstract: A rock-physics and seismic inversion study have been completed to assist in the prediction of rock and fluid properties in AKOS Field using well logs and high resolution 3D seismic data. Rock attributes were derived from well logs using rock physics models. These derived rock attributes were analyzed in cross-plots space and used to determine which of them constitutes better indicators of pore fluids and lithology. Results of acoustic impedance versus the velocity ratio crossplots show that clustering models converged to four classes namely; brine, gas, oil and shale zones. Inversion of the post-stack seismic data was also carried out to generate horizon slices of acoustic Impedance and velocity ratio away from the wellbore. Results show that very low values of acoustic impedance were observed indicating.........
Keywords: Attributes, Impedance, Inversion, Post-Stack, Rock Physics
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[5]. Maurya, S. P. & Sarkar, P. (2016). Comparison of Post Stack Seismic Inversion Method: A case study from Blackfoot Field, Canada. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 7(8), 1091 – 1101
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Abstract: Groundwater quality assessment involving physicochemical and biological analysis of thirteen well/borehole samples were undertaken in Akoko southwest and southeast local government areas of Ondo State in order to determine their suitability for drinking. Water quality index (WQI) was calculated from 17 parameters including pH, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, bi-carbonate, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, sulphate, iron, manganese, sodium, chromium, copper, conductivity, total dissolve solute, and alkalinity. The value of the ionic balance error is observed to be within acceptable limit of ± 5%. The analyzed water samples are clear in appearance and odourless with moderate temperature. The WQI obtained from the study ranges from 20 to 497. All the water samples generally failed the biological test due...........
Keywords: Physicochemical analysis, Biological test, Water Quality Index, WHO, Correlation Matrix, Drinking water
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geoarchaeology of Elephantine Rock-cut Tombs, Aswan, Egypt |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Fatma M. Helmi || Atef A. Brania |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0504037787 ![]() |
Abstract: Rock – cut tombs of Elephantine Nobles are situated at Aswan town, south of Egypt. They were engraved in the Sandstone, which belonged mainly to the old, middle, and knew kingdoms. These tombs had several deterioration factors: endogenous include heterogeneities in the rock, presence of joints & crocks, and exogenous correspond temperature variation, wind, moisture, biological effect, and natural disasters. Petrographic and analytical studies were carried out on the rock tombs, mortar, plaster, and deterioration products using x-ray diffraction (XRD), polarizing microscope (PLM), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) unit...........
Keywords: Conservation, consolidating materials, Geoarchaeology, Rock-cut tombs, sandstone
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