Series-1 (Jan. – Feb. 2023)Jan. – Feb. 2023 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The location of edges of magnetic structures can be delineated and mapped accordingly through a close and careful analysis of magnetic data. These structural edges are geological features such as faults with lateral changes in susceptibility and geological contacts otherwise known as boundaries where a magnetic body may discontinue or terminate with differing susceptibility. The present work, therefore, aims at delineating contact locations of magnetic structures beneath Homa Hills geothermal manifestations. Homa Hills is a site of volcano in tertiary and Pleistocene times in the West of Kendu occupying most of the Homa peninsula, protruding into the Winam Gulf forming the eastern flank of Homa Bay......
Keywords: Contact Location, Generalized Derivative, Homa Hills, Horizontal Gradient, Reduction to the Equato
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Groundwater Investigation of Gadam town, Gombe State, Northeastern Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | DR. Mohammed Ali Garba |
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: | 10.9790/0990-1101011022 ![]() |
Abstract: A resistivity survey was carried out in Gadam Kwami LGA, sheet 152MW between Latitude 10˚ 27'30" - 10˚30'30" and Longitude 11˚04'00" - 11˚07'00". Gombe state Northeastern Nigeria to study the groundwater potential such a depths, thickness, resistivity and sediment at which water can be obtained. The Geo-electrical method used in the survey is Vertical Electrical Sounding, with the aim of determining Groundwater potential. Fifteen (15) Vertical Electrical Sounding were conducted using Schlumberger configuration with a maximum electrode separation of AB/2 = 200m to determine location favorable for sitting of borehole. The VES data were subjected to an iteration software (WINRESIST) which shows that the area is compose of top soil soft clay, compacted clay, Arkosic sand and clayey sand........
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Abstract: Poisson's ratio σ has been effectively used in engineering, groundwater and hydrocarbon investigation.This research was conducted to determine the Poisson's ratio of topsoil using seismic refraction method in Uyo and environ, Southern Nigeria as an aid in determining the degree of stability of engineering foundation. The study area lies between latitudes 4045' and 5015' N and between longitudes 7o45' and 8o30' E in the Niger Delta region of southern Nigeria. The area is located in the Tertiary to Quaternary Coastal Plain Sands (CPS) and Alluvium environments of the Niger Delta region of southern Nigeria. A 24 - channel signal enhancement seismograph, geophones, sledge.......
Key Words: lithology, soil, Vp, Vs, seismic refraction, Uyo
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Abstract: Basic and ultra-basic rocks are an important feature of the crustal evolution in the stabilized Archaeancratons all over the world. They constitute a common expression of crustal extension in both oceanic and continental environments, and represent major avenues by which basaltic magma is transferred from mantle to upper crust. Mafic dyke swarms are an important feature of the crustal evolution in the stabilized Archeancratons all over the world. The geological andpetrological details of basic and Ultra Basic of Lahn river area of NandgaonGondpipri area of western Bastarcraton have been discussed and understand to the petrogenetic processes involved during the emplacement of basic and ultra-basic rocks of the study area.
Key Words: Basic, ultra-basic, Field Petrography, Lahn River,WBC
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Abstract: Soil classification systems are used to help predict soil behaviour and provide information to geologists, engineers, builders, agricultural extension agents, community planners, and government agencies. Geoscientists and engineers use soil classification systems to characterize soils, determine potential behaviour, and understand limitations of the soils encountered in construction projects. Grain size analysis was used to investigate soil gradation and classification of the study area. The particle size distribution curves show that the soil samples were predominantly composed of fine-medium sands, with a lesser proportion of coarse sand and gravel fractions........
Key Words: Grain size analysis, soil grading, coarse grain soil, Soil classification.
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Abstract: The Magnetotellurics(MT) method was used to characterize anddelineate the extent of the geothermal resource in Olkaria South East geothermal field, Kenya. The static shift effects of the MT datasets were corrected using the spatial median filter method. Dimensionality analyses performed using phase tensor showed lower skews at short periods and higher skews at long periods, indicating 1D and 2D characteristics at shallow depth and significant 3D structures at depth. 2D inversion was doneusing Occam to generate resistivity models of Olkaria South East field. 3D Inversion was also carried out using ModEM code due to its ability in mapping the deep-seated structures which are ambiguous giving inaccurate information when using 2D inversion. Both 2D and 3D results revealed presence of a relatively high resistivitylayer (10 – 40 ohm-m) at about 2.5 to 3km underlying a conductivelayer of resistivity < 5 ohm-m.
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