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Research Paper |
Title |
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The Characterization of the Heating Properties of Briquettes of Coal and Rice Husk |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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Ikelle Issie Ikelle , Anyigor Chukwuma , Ogah Sule Philip Ivoms |
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10.9790/5736-0752100105  |
Abstract: In this work, smokeless briquettes of various compositions were produced using coal and rice husk, starch was used as the binder while Ca(OH2) was the desulphurizing agent. The briquettes were produced in the following ratio of mixtures; coal and rice husk 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100 respectively. The proximate analysis of the raw coal sample showed ash content 19.12%, moisture content 6.25%, volatile matter 41.12%, fixed carbon 33.51% and calorific value 117 KJ/g. the rice husk had the following values ash content 7.53%, moisture content 10.48%, volatile matter 68.74%, fixed carbon 13.25% and calorific value 65.24 KJ/g. The prepared briquettes were sun dried for seven days, subjected to various tests to assess their fuel quality. Of the briquettes produced, the 60% coal: 40% rice husk briquette showed the following values; ash content 20.26%, fixed carbon 50.06%, moisture content 4.42%, density 0.414 g/cm3, volatile matter 25.26%, porosity index 40.7%, calorific value 142.86 KJ/g, water boiling test 2.15 minutes, burning time 20.43 minutes, ignition time 33.67 seconds and sulphur content 4.69%. The briquette showed improved properties with regards to combustible property when compared to the other briquettes produced with the same binder but different compositions.
Key words: briquette, biomass, coal, rice husk, starch
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