Volume-1 ~ Issue-2
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equations which works smoothly in both the cases, i.e., whether the delay is of O( ) or of o( ) . The numerical
method uses the modified upwind finite difference scheme on a special type of mesh to tackle the delay
argument. The stability and error analysis is given for in both the cases, when the sign of the coefficient of the
reaction term is negative or positive. To demonstrate the efficiency of the method and how to discuss the size of
the delay argument affects the layer behaviour we have implemented it on several test examples.
Keywords: Boundary Layer modified upwind finite difference scheme, Singular perturbation delay differential
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Transformative Power of Linear Algebra: Applications in Real World Problem Solving |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mukesh Punia |
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Abstract:In colleges, students often study calculus with linear algebra, which is a fundamental abstract mathematical subject. It was first discovered via research on d eterminants. The earliest courses to make use of linear algebra as a textbook were those offered at graduate levels at American colleges. This lecture is a required component of the undergraduate studies of scientific departments at educational institution s located all over the globe. The study of linear systems of equations, which was initially developed by the Babylonians about the year around Cardan devised a straightforward method for solving systems of linear equations by developing a formula that......
Keywords: linear algebra, linear equation, Formulation
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