Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Chemical Composition and Modeling of the Functions of Termitarium |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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Kamalu, C. I. O. , Okolie, I. J. |
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10.9790/2402-0543642  |
Abstract: The work was carried out in Fugro Consultants Nigeria Limited, Port Harcourt. It was the identification, extraction and characterization of chemical compounds responsible for making termination. The results showed that termitarium contains 11.6 (g/kg) of TOM; 15.9 (mg/kg) of Magnesium, 11690 (mg/kg) of iron and 23.3 (mg/kg) of extractable chloride which are responsible for structural stability of termitarium. The result also revealed that increase of clay content enhances the structural stability of termitarium. % water absorbed Vs time(s) for control and termitarium, mean number of seedings Vs time (days) for control and termitarium, gave their R-square (correlation coefficient) as 0.9975, 0.9951, 0.9959, 09807 and 0.09995 respectively.
Keywords: Chemical composition, termite, termitarium, biomodeling, curve-fit, nest, castes.
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