Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solution by Mixed Mineral Systems II. The Role of Solution Composition and Ageing |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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D.E. Egirani, A.R. Baker, J.E. Andrews |
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10.9790/2402-0424955  |
Abstract: This study investigates Hg(II) removal onto binary mixed mineral sorbents from simulated mercury contaminated water, relevant to surface and groundwater impacted environment. However, sorption pattern appeared to be controlled by outer sphere complexation, inner sphere complexation and intra-particle diffusion for Hg (II) sorbed on goethite and mixed mineral system of goethite-montmorillonite with respect to pH. Decrease in Hg (II) sorption as Cp was increased may be attributed to increase in particle size and aggregation of the mineral suspensions. The Cp effect is also related to effective surface area, pressure, and force at the mineral/water interface The complex behavior of mineral systems over the range of residence time investigated may be attributed to increased hydroxylation of the mineral surface resulting in the formation of new reactive sites.
Keywords: mercury, removal, reaction, kinetics, mixed mineral systems.
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