Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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New method of soil classification in defining the dynamic condition of agricultural surface soils |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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Suleiman Usman and Basiru Usman |
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10.9790/2402-0263242  |
Abstract: Lack of qualitative information under dynamic surface soil condition has affected the development
and proper sustainable management of most agricultural soils globally. Although several methods of soil
classifications have been shown to record important soil data in defining soil for multiple benefits, the specific
dynamic surface soil condition under specific soil groups (Alfisols, Anthrosols, Aridisols, Calsisols, Entisols,
Histosols, Inceptisols, Molisols, Oxisol, Vertisols) is poorly understood in the Sudan Savannah zone of Kebbi
State Nigeria. For this reason, a new method of soil classification in defining the capacity and quality of surface
soils for multiple benefits has been introduced. This method is called Combined Soil Type Equation (CSTE).
CSTE was used to classify and define the surface soil conditions of two or more different soil groups (appeared
to be formed under the same surface soil environment) into one new soil group name. Results showed that
fourteen different new soil group names were classified: Alanhisols, Alhioxalsols, Aralhisols, Araloxhisols,
Aralsols, Aransols, Arhioxalsols, Arhisols, Enmoinarsols, Hicaoxalsols, Inalmosols, Inmoalsols, Vehisols, and
Keywords: Surface soil, Soil group and Combine Soil Type Equation
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