Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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The Potential of Pilixeppus Petersi as a Biocontrol Agent on
Musca Domestica |
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India |
Authors |
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Jesikha. M, |
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10.9790/2402-0233031  |
Abstract: Chemical insecticides produce the risk of developing pest resistance, side effects to non-target
species, and long lived residues in the environment. Generalist Predators can be effective agents of bio-control
against Musca domestica L. (house fly). Spiders, particularly assemblages of species, have been shown to be
effective in reducing pest insects. Common house fly catcher (Plexippus petersi) is hunting its favorite prey
house fly and other small insects. We investigated the potential of jumping spider species to reduce pests in a
laboratory setting. In 24, 48 and 32hrs experiment, the mortality rate was increased and finally it reached 100%
mortality rate. Plexippus petersi spiders significantly increased house fly mortality.
Keywords:House fly, Spiders, Pest, Predators, Mortality.
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