Volume-5 ~ Issue-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dental Operating Microscope in Endodontics-A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. (Dr.) Utpal Kumar Das, Dr. Subhasis Das |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0560108 ![]() |
Abstract: Traditional endodontics has been based on feel not sight. Together with radiographs and electronic apex locators this blind approach has produced surprising success. There is, however, a significant failure rate, especially in long-term. Magnification helps the user not only to see more, but to see well. High levels of magnification increase the aggregate amount of visual information available to endodontists for diagnosing and treating dental pathology. Initially resisted, there has been a recent surge of interest in microscope enhanced dentistry among endodontists. Despite their higher price tags, however, when the dental operating microscope is fully integrated into an endodontic practice and used to its fullest potential, a return on investment is improved ergonomics and zero defect endodontics.
Keywords:Dental Operating Microscope (DOM), Endodontics , Ergonomics, Magnification.
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Abstract: A fifty year old male, diagnosed to have an acute retropharyngeal space infection reported two days after his discharge from the hospital with breathing difficulty and rapidly progressive diffuse swelling of the neck. Immediate clinical evaluation failed to localize the exact cause but computed tomography revealed large anterior visceral compartment abscess with recurring retropharyngeal space infection. In this case the involvement of visceral compartment of the neck was a unique presentation. Retropharyngeal space infections are known for their spread to other spaces. However, involvement of visceral compartment is rare. Proximity to visceral vascular space and possibility of spread of infection to superior mediastinum makes visceral space infections a life threatening condition. Deep neck space infections should be observed for extensions beyond the primary site. The role of imaging is indispensable while monitoring these infections. Prompt initiation of definitive treatment can prevent catastrophic complications.
Keywords - Visceral compartment of neck, retropharyngeal space infection, computed tomography scan.
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Abstract: Background: My Fitness Trainer (MFT) balance board was produced for skiers and then surfers to practice their skills in the off season. However, there was hardly any study done by using this balance board in normal individuals. Objective: To find out the effect of My Fitness Trainer Balance Board Training on normal healthy individuals. Study Design: Pre and Post. Materials and Methods: Twenty (10 males, 10 females) healthy normal individuals between the age of 20-30 years. Individuals were made to stand in the Electronic Balance Board and the computer screen was kept in front of him for giving biofeedback and was trained for forward, backward and sideways balance re-training. At the end of training, his score was displayed in the screen & recorded for 30, 45, 60 seconds. Training was given for 30 minutes once/ week for 6 weeks. Results: The results showed improvement in the balance score after 6 weeks of training programme (p<0.01). Conclusion: MFT Balance board is of a great use for training purpose.
Keywords: Balance, Propioception, Stability
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[9] Michaela Gstöttner, Andreas Neher, Arne Scholtz, Martin Millonig, Sandra Lembert, and Christian Raschner, Balance Ability and Muscle Response of the Preferred and Nonpreferred Leg in Soccer Players, Motor Control,13, 1996, 218-231.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Anomalous Artery Originating From Axillary Artery |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Sobha Devi, P.Hari Krishna, J. Sumalatha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0561921 ![]() |
Abstract: During routine dissections in the Dept. Of anatomy, Sri Venkateswara Medical college, Tirupathi, A.P. we encountered a rare anomaly in an adult male cadaver on the right upper limb. The third part of the axillary artery unilaterally divides into two major arterial stems, named according to their localization as deep brachial artery and superficial brachial artery (brachial artery proper).Deep brachial artery passes at first in between the two roots of median nerve, and later deep to lateral root of median nerve. The deep brachial artery gives off the posterior circumflex humeral artery, anterior circumflex humeral artery, subscapular artery, and profunda brachii artery and lower down in the arm,it terminates by dividing into superior ulnar collateral artery and inferior ulnar collateral artery. This case is a anamoly of the axillary artery that has been rarely documented in the literature(0.12-3.2%). Accurate knowledge of the normal and variant arterial anatomy of the axillary artery is important for surgeons and specialists using radiodiagnostic techniques. The improved knowledge would allow more accurate diagnostic interpretations and surgical treatment.
Key words: Axillary artery, superficial brachial artery, deep brachial artery.
[1]. Cavdar S, Zeybek A, Bayramiçli M Rare variation of the axillary artery. Clin Anat. 2000;13(1):66-8. PMID: 10617889.
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[5]. Yang HJ, Gil YC, Jung WS, Lee HY. Variations of the superficial brachial artery in Korean cadavers. J Korean Med Sci. 2008 Oct;23(5):884-7. PMID: 18955798
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Abstract: Menstrual hygiene is an issue that is insufficiently acknowledged. Menstruation and menstrual practices are still clouded by taboos and socio-cultural restrictions resulting in adolescent girls remaining ignorant of the scientific facts and hygienic health practices, which sometimes result into adverse health outcomes. The present study was designed to assess the knowledge, beliefs, and source of information regarding menstruation among the adolescent school girls of the secondary school and also to identify the status of menstrual hygiene among them. A descriptive, cross-sectional community based study was conducted among 147 adolescent girls of a secondary school situated in the urban field practice area of dept of Community Medicine Medical College Kolkata with the help of a pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. Out of 147 respondents, 62(42 %) girls were aware about menstruation prior to attainment of menarche. Hand-washing was regular among 91.8% but 16.3% washed only with water. Similarly washing of private parts were regular among 76.9% but 74.1% used only water no soap, there is significant relationship between hygienic practices followed and presence of continuous supply of water and presence of exclusive toilet of their family. Except for 2(1.3%) everybody followed some taboo or unnecessary restriction. Menstrual hygiene, a very important risk factor for reproductive tract infections (RTI), is a vital aspect of health education. This problem, unfortunately, has not yet been addressed seriously in terms of its mental, social and health impact on the country.
Keywords: Adolescent girl, menstrual hygiene, RTI, sanitary pad
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[8] El-Gilany AH, Badawi K. Menstrual hygiene among adolescent schoolgirls in Mansoura, Egypt. Reprod Health Matters 2005; 13:147-52.
[9] Deo DS, Ghattargi CH. Perceptions and practices regarding menstruation: a comparative study in urban and rural adolescent girls. Indian J Community Med 2005;30:33-4
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Abstract: Background: Out-of-pocket payment dominates the bulk of health care financing in Osun State as in other parts of Nigeria. Pre-payment plans which have been identified to turn the unexpected health expenditures into predictable form of payments have not received desirable consideration. Given the importance of such pre-payment scheme, the aim of this study is to assess willingness to pay for community based health care financing scheme among rural and urban households in Osun State. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional comparative study of willingness to pay for community based health care financing schemes among 450 urban and an equal number of rural households in Osun State using multistage sampling method. Research instruments were pre-coded, pre-tested semi structured interviewer administered questionnaire. Data were analysed using STATA 10 software. Result: The findings from this research showed that rural household heads 373 (82.8%) were more willing to pay for community based health care financing scheme than the urban household heads 232 (51.6%). Premium Urban households were willing to pay ₦1798.90k per year while rural ones were willing to pay ₦ 721.70k. Major factors identified that contribute to willingness to pay in the households are number in the households, level of education, income, distance to the health centers, marital status, age and Male gender. Conclusion: Women, the poor, and people with low level of education were less willing to pay. Therefore, when establishing community based health scheme there should be selective targeting of the vulnerable groups within the communities due to their inability to finance health care payments. The results of this research strongly suggest that contingent valuation surveys are feasible methods for estimating households'willingness to pay for community based health care financing scheme in Osun State.
Keywords: Willingness to pay, Community based Health Care Financing, Nigeria
[1]. Arkin-Tenkorang,DC.Health Insurance for the Informal Sector in Africa:Designing features,risk protection and resource mobilization, Health,Nutrition and Population(HNP) Discussion Paper,World Health Organization,2001,Washighton D.C.
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[5]. Adinma ED, Adinma BJ. Community Based healthcare financing: An untapped option to effective healthcare funding in Nigeria. Nigeria Med J 2010; 51:95-100.
[6]. Partners for Health Reform Plus, 21 questions on CBHF, An Overview of Community-Based Health Financing. March 2004.
[7]. Masud TI, Farooq N. Equity shortfalls and Welfare State: Willingness to pay for health care at Government facilities in Jhelum. J.Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2003,15(4):43-49.
[8]. Onwujekwe O, Okereke E, Onoka C, Uzochukwu B, Kirigiaand J , Petu A. Willingness to pay for community-based health insurance in Nigeria: Do economic status and place of residence matter? Health Policy Planning, 2010; 25(2): 155-161.
[9]. Babatunde OA, Akande TM, Salahudeen AG, Aderibgbe SA, Elegbede OE, Ayodele LM. Willingness to pay for community health insurance and its determinants among household heads in rural communities in North Central Nigeria. International review of Social Sciences and Humanities 2012 ;(2):133-142.
[10]. Barnighausten T, Liu X, Zang X, Sauerborn R. Willingness to pay for social health insurance among informal workers in Wuhan, China: A contingent valuation study, London Biomed Central Health Services Research, 2007.
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Abstract:Myringoplasty is the operation specifically designed to close tympanic membrane defects the main aim of surgery of chronic ear disease is to eliminate disease process and reconstruct middle ear to give the patient a dry safe and functioning ear. In this study a clinical study of myringoplasty underlay technique in the management of central perforations done. Main emphasis is laid on evaluation of prognostic factors like Eustachian tube function, middle ear mucosa at operation and audiometric evaluation pre and post operatively. A series of patients treated in the Department of ENT, Government General Hospital, Kurnool during the period of two years is taken for the study. Relevant literature regarding anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and various methods of medical and surgical management are reviewed.
Keywords : Chronic suppurative otitis media, Tympanoplasty, Eustachian tube function, middle ear mucosa, audiometric evaluation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Immediate Implant Placement After Extraction of Mandibular molars : Report of 3 cases |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Vrinda Kolte |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0564653 ![]() |
Abstract:Immediate dental implant placement has been an acceptable procedure for at least the past two decades. Commonly, immediate implants have been reserved for the single rooted anterior tooth and single or bi-rooted premolar tooth. Perhaps the most important aspect of any implant surgery in accordance with the successful procedure is implant stability and bone to implant contact (BIC). Removal of molar teeth provides a challenging and intriguing dilemma due to multiple root morphology. In the case of extraction and immediate placement of dental implants preserving alveolar bone proper, particularly that of the labial and lingual plates of bone is essential in providing the optimal environment for maximizing BIC and implant stability. Also, the position of the final restoration must be considered, in relation to intra and inter arch position, occlusion, function and esthetics. Thus, minimal alveolar bone removal should be considered and attained to aid in the above factors in order to provide an acceptable surgical site for successful placement of the dental implant. Finally, and perhaps most importantly when considering immediate molar implant placement, removal of the intra-alveolar septum should be avoided to aid in increasing BIC and allowing the attainment of initial implant stability at the time of placement.
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[7]. Fugazzotto PA. Report of 302 consecutive ridge augmentation procedures : technical considerations and clinical results . Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1998 ; 13 : 358-368.
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[10]. Schliephake H, Dard M, Planck H, Hierlemann H, Jakob A.: Guided bone regeneration around endosseious implants using a resorbable membrane VS ePTFE membrane . Clin. Oral Impl .Res:11:230, 2000.