Version-1 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Poor reproductive performance is a major constraint for increased production of buffaloes all around the world indicating that profitability of buffalo farming is more or less directly related to the reproductive performance of the animals. To have a breakthrough in changing the present scenario, improved reproductive management practices is necessary for developing buffalo production to a satisfactory level. This study evaluated to know the reproductive performance and management given to non-descriptive buffaloes of Bangladesh reared under subsistence farming at certain coastal areas covering all upazillas of Patuakhali district. Data on reproductive parameters and management given to 150 buffaloes were collected by personal interviewing of selected farmers using pre-tested questionnaires.The reproductive parameters evaluated were found to be: age at first service........
Keywords: Bangladesh, buffalo, coastal area, reproductive performance, subsistence farming
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ABSTRACT: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory condition affecting gastrointestinal tract that includes ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) and resulted in many hazards for patients. Aspergillus awamori is a fungus that has long been used for food processing earlier and has been reported that Aspergillus provides beneficial effects on a host's health by affecting the host's intestinal microflora especially on a reduction in the risk of gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, identifying new antioxidants, such as A. awamori.........
Keywords: IBD; ulcerative colitis, acetic acid, Aspergillus awamori, TNF-α, SOD,GPx
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ABSTRACT: An experiment was carried out in the vegetables fields , College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences , University of Baghdad , Al-Jadriya in fall season 2017-2018 to study adding of humic acid and phosphate fertilizer levels on growth and yield of lettuce , sky cv. Experiment was included nine treatments of interaction between three levels of humic acid adding to soil preplanting 0 , 5 , 10 kg.ha-1 ( H0 , H1 , H2 respectively ) and three levels of phosphate fertilizer 0 , 120 , 180 kg.ha-1 ( P0 , p1 , p2 respectively ) . Factorial experiment was adopted according to RCBD with three replicates. Results showed interaction treatment H2P2 was Superior in plant height ( 39.80cm) and greatest of leaves number ( 78.70 leaf . plant -1 ) and highest of dry weight of leaves ( 40.20 g.plant-1 ) and greatest of head weight and total yield ( 1015.20 g and 67.0 ton.ha-1 ) . The suggestion adding 10 kg,ha -1 humic acid preplanting and triple super phosphate at 180 kg.ha-1 resulted in highest vegetative growth and yield of lettuce . * GraduationResearch Project
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ABSTRACT: Poultry development plays a crucial role in increasing egg and chicken meat production. Poultry rearing provides income and employment to large number of people. The objective of this investigation is to determine the performance of broiler chicken when fed with diets containing different combinations of energy and protein. Total of 200 (day-old chicken) broiler chickens of a commercial strain randomly selected for three different experiments and feeding with experimental rations. The birds rearing period was 6 weeks, the live body weight performance and health condition were measured by weekly.........
Keywords: Broiler, protein, energy, growth.
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ABSTRACT: The long-term objective of this study is to obtain effective and efficient and environmentally friendly control methods that can be applied to cocoa farmers throughout Indonesia in general and especially cocoa farmers in Aceh Province. The research methods include exploration methods and descriptions and experimental methods in the laboratory and in the field. Detection, isolation, identification and molecular characterization of P. palmivora pathogens and bio-control agent rhizobacteria, study the mechanism of action of agents through physiological approaches and biochemical metabolic analysis of bio-control agents using exploratory methods and descriptions.........
Keywords: Agent, bio-control, biological, cocoa, rhizobacteria
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ABSTRACT: In Kenya, over the past four decades there has been inadequate access to agricultural land and a decline in the average farm sizes leading to over sub-division of land into uneconomic units and low productivity. Agricultural land use practices such as cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock influences food security at household level. For example, most high agricultural potential regions in Kenya such as Bureti have exceeded their population density and have been associated with sharp decline in farm productivity, total household income and asset wealth. The study focused on changes on household agricultural land use practises between 2005 and 2015 in Bureti.........
Keywords: Household, Agricultural land use, Recent changes
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ABSTRACT: Descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted to provide quantitative information on the current status of chia cultivation in Nyeri County. This aimed at assessing the opportunities and challenges in chia cultivation in Nyeri County, Kenya. It involved the systematic collection and presentation of data to give a clear picture of awareness, knowledge, attitude and practices (AKAP) of the selected population. This was done as the preliminaries to promotion of chia cultivation and value chain development in the region. Having the beneficiaries participate in the assessment of needs and identification of problems to be addressed helps to accommodate their information, experience and analysis therefore making them actual creators of change and progress. This will result.........
Keywords: Chia, Economic, Health, Nutrition
[1]. Ciftci, O. N., Przybylski, R., &Rudzińska, M. (2012). Lipid components of flax, perilla, and chia seeds. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 114(7), 794-800.
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ABSTRACT: Field experiment was conducted at the orchard of the Department of Crop Production Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Bali; to determine the performance of two varietiesof maize (Evat/99/SRT-W and SAM-MAZ-15) as influenced by plant spacing. Bali Local Government Area is locatedwithin Guinea Savanna eco-logical zone of Nigeria. The study area is located within latitudes 7° 12´ N to 9° 00´ N of the equator and longi-tude 10° 00´ E to12° 00´ E of the Meridian and lies within Guinea Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria (Rajab et al., 2014). The annual rainfall ranges.........
Keywords: maize variety, performance, spacing, influence, ecological zone.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Amino Acid Composition of Gelatin from Ephinephelus sp. |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ghea Regita Maharani Siregar || Eddy Suprayitno |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1204015154 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: gelatin source can be obtained from fish skin,scale or bone. Fish gelatin can be an alternative to mammalian gelatin for use in food, photography and pharmaceutical industries. The objective of this study is to know amino acid content of gelatin from Ephinephelus sp. (Carp). Gelatin extracted by citrid acid with concentration 0,5%; 1% and 1,5%, with physco-chemical characteristic were studied. Gelatin with 1% concentration has the best results based on phsyco-chemical characteristic which yield, proximate analysis, pH, viscosity, gel strength and amino acid content. Glycine and prolin being the most dominant component that are important for gelatin for gel strength as physical properties.
Keywords: Amino Acid, Collagen, Ephinephelus sp., Fish skin, Gelatin
[1]. Suryanti, S., D.W.Marseno., R. Indrati and H.E. Irianto, Pengaruh jenis asam dan isolasi gelatin dari kulit ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) terhadap karakteristik emulsi, Jurnal AGRITECH, 37(4), 2017, 410-419.
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[4]. Pertiwi, M., Y. Atma., A.Z. Mustopa and R. Maisarah, Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Gelatin dari Tulang Ikan Patin dengan Pre-Treatment Asam Sitrat. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan, 7 (2), 2018, 83-91.
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ABSTRACT: Watermelon Citrullus lanatus (Thunb) is a fruit vegetable grown predominantly in the North West Region (NWR) and West Region (WR), both located in the western highland agricultural zones of Cameroon. This industry has a potential in the South West Region (SWR), located in the humid rainforest agriculture zone of the country, although yet to be well established. This study examined the activities of small-scale watermelon farmers in Santa (a rural community in the NWR) and in Buea (a peri-urban community in the SWR). A structured questionnaire and regular farm visits at daily intervals were done to elucidate knowledge gaps and lessons for improving watermelon production in Buea. The study lasted for 3 months (from March to May, 2015). Fifty farmers from each community.........
Keywords: agrochemicals, Buea, Cameroon, Santa, watermelon, women, youth
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ABSTRACT: Drum fishing trap was studied in the Nun River, Bayelsa state between January and June, 2018 to determine the mode of construction, fish species composition, most preferred bait and most dominant fish species caught by the Drum trap. Three sampling stations were selected based on the fishing activities of the fishers. A Completely Randomized Design was adopted with three traps in each station resulting to 9 traps. The 9 traps were set baited with life-fish, groundnut cake and a control set of traps without bait. Traps were set and retrieved after 120 hours thereafter fish caught were sorted, counted and identified into their respective families and species levels using standard...........
Keywords: Drum Trap, Fisheries and Nun River
[1]. Adimula, A. B. (2003). Comparison of catch efficiency and selectivity of entangling nets: Gillnets and Trammel nets in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. M.Tech. Thesis submitted to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, 101p.
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ABSTRACT: NE=Necrotic Enteritis, C. perfringens= Clostridium perfringens, BW=Body weight, BWG= Body weight gain, FCR= Feed conversion ratio, FI=Feed intake, GIT=Gastrointestinal tract, AGP=Antibiotic growth promoters, PBS= Phosphate buffered saline, PC=Positive control, NC=Negative control, A group=Prophylactic group, B group=Therapeutic group, VH/CD ratio=Villi Hight/ Crypt Depth ratio. Abstract: One day-old male Arbor Acres plus broiler chickens (n=240) were used to study the effects of bovine IgG-rich fraction preparation (intramuscularly inoculated) on mortality, production performance, gut integrity (Histomorphometric analysis...........
Keywords: Bovine IgG-rich fraction, Broiler chickens, Performance, Gut integrity, NE, C. perfringens
[1]. An MJ, Cheon JH, Kim SW, Park JJ, Moon CM, Han SY, et al. Bovine colostruminhibits nuclear factor kappaB-mediated proinflammatory cytokine expression in intestinal epithelial cells. Nutr Res. (2009) 29:275–80. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2009.03.011 [2]. Awaad M. H. H, A. M. Atta, M. A. Elmenawey, H. B.Gharib, Wafaa A. Abd El-Ghany and A. A. Nada (2013). The effect of a combination of β(1-3) D-Glucan and Propionibacterium granulosum on productive performance and immune modulation of immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised broiler chickens doi:10.5455/vetworld.2013.31-38.
[3]. Awaad M. H. H., A. G. Hegazi, Laila Ali and M. A. Kutat (1992). The effect of prepared immunoglobulins rich fractions against experimental Escherichia coli infection in chickens.Vet. Med J., vol. 40, No. 3, 29-35 (1992).
[4]. Awaad M. H. H., M. Elmenawey, B. Shalaby, F. F. Mohamed, A. M. Nada, H. Salem, E. A. Morsy and S. Lopez (2019). Opposing of Necrotic Enteritis by Phytonutrients and/or Acidifiers in Broiler Chickens IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Ve terinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 12, Issue 3 Ser. I (March 2019), PP 12-21
[5]. Awaad M.H.H., A.M. Atta, M. Elmenawey, B. Shalaby, G.A. Abdelaleem1, K. Madian1, K. Ahmed, D. Marzin, G. Benzoni and D.K. Iskander (2011). Effect of Acidifiers on Gastrointestinal Tract Integrity, Zootechnical Performance and Colonization of Clostridium Perfringens and Aerobic Bacteria in Broiler Chickens. Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(4):618-628.
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ABSTRACT: A preliminary survey was conducted in 15 fish markets of Dhaka city to determine the consumer behavior and market infrastructure and facilities. The survey revealed that most of the consumers (40.2%) preferred to consume fish daily and Rohu (Labeo rohita) was the most preferable fish species. Also, most of the consumers (47.8%) used to spend BDT 500-800 for buying fish in a week and they opted to buy fish which were caught from pond and fish farm and fish that were formalin free. Interestingly fish bone was the least concern criteria (6.7%) for the consumers...........
Keywords: Fish markets, Dhaka City, Consumer behavior, Infrastructure
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