Version-1 (Sep–Oct 2012)
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Abstract: Geophysical survey involving electrical resistivity methods has been carried out at Annunciation grammar school, Ikere- Ekiti, southwestern Nigeria with the view to delineate the geo-electric characteristics of the basement complex and evaluate its groundwater potential in the area. A total of 5 vertical electrical sounding stations were established within the site along 5 traverses.
The schlumberger configuration was used for the data acquisition. The half –currents electrode (𝐴𝐵2 ) used range from 1 to 100m. The quantitative interpretation of the VES curves involved the use of partial curve matching and the 1-D computer iteration technique. The depth sounding interpretation results were used to generate geo-electric sections from which the aquifer was delineated. The geo-electric section drawn from the results of the interpretation reveal five subsurface layer which comprises of the topsoil, lateritic sand, partially weathered, weathered and fractured basement. The weathered and fractured layers constituted the aquiferous zone in all the stations. Hence, from this project work it is recommended that boreholes can be sited in high conductivity zones in VES 1,2,3 and 4 as they contain probable aquifers. The depth of any borehole should be located between 15m and 30m to take advantage of the basement fractures
Keywords: Geo-electric, overburden, lateritic, resistivity, foundation
The schlumberger configuration was used for the data acquisition. The half –currents electrode (𝐴𝐵2 ) used range from 1 to 100m. The quantitative interpretation of the VES curves involved the use of partial curve matching and the 1-D computer iteration technique. The depth sounding interpretation results were used to generate geo-electric sections from which the aquifer was delineated. The geo-electric section drawn from the results of the interpretation reveal five subsurface layer which comprises of the topsoil, lateritic sand, partially weathered, weathered and fractured basement. The weathered and fractured layers constituted the aquiferous zone in all the stations. Hence, from this project work it is recommended that boreholes can be sited in high conductivity zones in VES 1,2,3 and 4 as they contain probable aquifers. The depth of any borehole should be located between 15m and 30m to take advantage of the basement fractures
Keywords: Geo-electric, overburden, lateritic, resistivity, foundation
[1] Olorunfemi, M. O., Ojo, J. S. and Akintunde, O.M. (1999); "Hydro-geophysical evaluation of the groundwater potential of the Akure metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria". Journal of Mining and Geology Vol. 35(2) 1999, pp. 207 – 228.
[2] Kunetz, G. (1966). Principles of direct current resistivity prospecting, Borntraeger, Berlin.
[3] Rahman, M.A. (1976): "Review of the Basement Geology of South Western Nigeria". In geology of Nigeria (Kogbe, C.A.C.Ed.). Elizabethan Pub!. co.,Nigeria pp.41-58.
[4] Abdul Nasir, S. S., Loke, M. H., Lee, C. Y., and Nawawi, M. N. M., 2000; Salt water intrusion mapping by geo-electrical imaging surveys. Geophys. Prospect, 48: 647 – 661.
[5] Adepelumi, A. A., Ako,B. D., Ajayi, T. R., Afolabi, O. and Omotoso, E. J.2008; Delineation of salt water intrusion into fresher water Aquifer of Lekki- peninsula, Lagos,Nigeria. Environ. Geol. 56: 927 – 933.
[6] David, L.M., and Ofrey, O. (1989): "An indirect method of estimating ground water level in basement complex regolith". Water resources, Vol. 1,No. 2, pp. 34 -41.
[7] Osemeikhian,J. E. A. and Asokhia, M. B. (1994); Applied Geophysics for engineers and geologists. 1 Ed. Samtos services Ltd., Lagos.
[8] Mallam, A. and Ajayi, C. O. (2000); Resistivity method for groundwater investigation in sedimentary area. Nig. J. of Physics,12, 34 – 38.
[9] Nwankwo, L. I., Olasehinde, P. I. and Babatunde, E. B. (2004); The use of electrical resistivity pseudosection in elucidation the geology of an east-west profile in the basement complex terrain of Ilorin, West-Central, Nigeria. Nig. J.of Pure and Appl. Sci., 19, 167 -1682.
[2] Kunetz, G. (1966). Principles of direct current resistivity prospecting, Borntraeger, Berlin.
[3] Rahman, M.A. (1976): "Review of the Basement Geology of South Western Nigeria". In geology of Nigeria (Kogbe, C.A.C.Ed.). Elizabethan Pub!. co.,Nigeria pp.41-58.
[4] Abdul Nasir, S. S., Loke, M. H., Lee, C. Y., and Nawawi, M. N. M., 2000; Salt water intrusion mapping by geo-electrical imaging surveys. Geophys. Prospect, 48: 647 – 661.
[5] Adepelumi, A. A., Ako,B. D., Ajayi, T. R., Afolabi, O. and Omotoso, E. J.2008; Delineation of salt water intrusion into fresher water Aquifer of Lekki- peninsula, Lagos,Nigeria. Environ. Geol. 56: 927 – 933.
[6] David, L.M., and Ofrey, O. (1989): "An indirect method of estimating ground water level in basement complex regolith". Water resources, Vol. 1,No. 2, pp. 34 -41.
[7] Osemeikhian,J. E. A. and Asokhia, M. B. (1994); Applied Geophysics for engineers and geologists. 1 Ed. Samtos services Ltd., Lagos.
[8] Mallam, A. and Ajayi, C. O. (2000); Resistivity method for groundwater investigation in sedimentary area. Nig. J. of Physics,12, 34 – 38.
[9] Nwankwo, L. I., Olasehinde, P. I. and Babatunde, E. B. (2004); The use of electrical resistivity pseudosection in elucidation the geology of an east-west profile in the basement complex terrain of Ilorin, West-Central, Nigeria. Nig. J.of Pure and Appl. Sci., 19, 167 -1682.
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Abstract: In this study a new model for quantifying the effect of evaporative cooling produced by the evapotranspiration from trees on the air temperature of Ali- Al Sharqi town, south of Iraq, (lat. 32.1ºN, long 46.85ºE) was suggested. The ASCE and FAO Penman Monteith model was used to calculate the actual evapotranspiration from a tree in the selected town. The dispersion of moisture from trees in the neighborhood in the three dimensions by using the Gaussian dispersion model was estimated. The decreasing of air temperature due to the moisture added by trees on a specific control volume was calculated by using the psychometric chart. The maximum cooling degree achieved by the suggested model reached to 2.6 ºC in July while minimum value was (1.8 ºC) and appeared in April. The results of applying the model on a hot and dry day indicated that the higher cooling degree can be obtained reach to 3.6 ºC at the noon time.
Keywords: Air temperature; Evapotranspiration; Evaporative cooling; Gaussian model; Trees.
Keywords: Air temperature; Evapotranspiration; Evaporative cooling; Gaussian model; Trees.
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[2] R. Geiger, R. H. Aron, and P. Toddhunter, The climate near the ground, 6th Ed. Rowmanand Littlefield.New York. 2003.
[3] M. Santamourise. Energy and climate in the urban built environment. James and James Science Publishers, London, UK. 2001.
[4] J. R. Simpson and E. G. McPherson. Simulation of tree shade impacts on residential energy use for space conditioning in Sacramento. Atmospheric Environment. 32, 1998 ,69-74.
[5] F. AL-Bayaty. Location climate feature of the green sites, a practical study on Baghdad city. Ph.D Thesis, College of Education,
AL-Mustansiryah University, Baghdad, Iraq. 2004.
[6] Saito, I. Osamu, and K. Tadahisa, Study of the effect of green areas on the thermal environment in an urban area. Energy and
Building. 16, 1991, 493-498.
[7] H. Taha, H. Akbari, and A. Rosenfeld, Heat island and oasis effects of vegetative canopies: Microclimatological field measurement. Theoretical Applied Meteorology. 44, 1991, 122-134.
[8] S. Lindqvist, , Local climatological modeling for road stretches and urban area. Geografiska Annaler , 74A, 1992, 265-274.
[9] D. J. Sailor, Simulations of annual degree day impacts of urban vegetative augrmentation. Atmospheric Environment. 32, 1998,
[10] D. J. Sailor, Simulated urban climate response to modifications in surface albedo and vegetative cover. J. of Appl. Meteorl. 34,
1995, 1694-1704.
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Abstract: Over thirty Vertical Electrical Sounding survey were carried out in Tofa and Rimin Gado local<
government areas of Kano state. Dynamic water level from open wells was also collected and was used as a<
guide for the selection of the electrode spread. The schlumberger array with a maximum electrode spread of
100 m was employed in all the points. Results from the sounding data indicates that the area is generally
underlain by five geoelectric or geologic section which include Lateritic top soil or Lateritic sand, Silty sand or
Sandy clay, Weathered basement or Clayey sand, Fractured basement and Fresh basement. Based on the result
obtained the weathered as well as the fractured basements forms the aquiferous zone within the study area, with
the weathered being more promising. The resistivity of these zones varies from 9 to 1640 Ωm with an average
value 255 Ωm, while the thickness varies from a value of 1.66 to 28 m with an average value of 10.67 m. Depth
to this zone varies from 5 to 31 m with an average value of 8.1 m. The study also shows that the Rimin Gado<
area appears to have more potential for groundwater development as compared with the Tofa area.
Key words: Geoelectric, Kano State, Resistivity sounding, Rimin Gado, Tofa, Vertical Electrical Sounding
Key words: Geoelectric, Kano State, Resistivity sounding, Rimin Gado, Tofa, Vertical Electrical Sounding
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oil spillage Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of environment and earth science 2(4): 13-21.
[2] Abubakar Y.I. and Yola A.L (2012). Hydrogeophysical investigation of groundwater potential Dawakin Tofa Local government
Area of Kano State. American International Journal of Contemporary Research,Vol.2 No.9.
[3] Adanu E.A. (1994). "Groundwater Development and Management in the Basement Complex Terrain in Zaria, Kaduna
Area "Water Resources 4(1&2): 64-68.
[4] Aina A. Olorunfemi M.O. and Ojo J .S. (1996). "An integration of Aeromagnetic and Electrical Resistivity Methods in Dam Site
Investigation "Geophysics 61 (2): 349-356.
[5] Alagbe S.A. (1987). Hydrogeology of the River Kangimi catchment area, Kaduna State. Unpub. M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. Geol., A. B.
U., p. 168.
[6] Bala A.E. (2008). Optimum depth for boreholes in regolith aquifer in parts of Northern Nigeria. Savanna, 21(1):81 – 90.
[7] Dan Hassan M.A. and Adekile (1991)." Geophysical Exploration for Groundwater in Crystalline Basement Terrain: A case study
of Zabenawan Dansudu, Kano State, Nigeria" Journal of mining and Geology 27 (2): 71 -75.
[8] Dan Hassan M.A. and Olurunfemi, M.O.(1999). "Hydrogeophysical investigation of a Basement Terrain in the North Central part
of Kaduna State Nigeria" journal of mining and Geology 35 (2) pp 189-206
[9] Falconer J.D (1911). The geology and geography of Northern Nigeria, MacMillan, London.
[10] Hazell J.R.T, Cratchley C.R, Preston A.M (1988). The Location of aquifers in crystalline rocks and alluvium in Northern Nigeria
using combined electromagnetic and resistivity techniques. Q. J. Eng. Geol., 21:159 175.
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Abstract: Collision is basically an interaction between two or more particles. Its study for atoms and
molecules has proved quite useful from the pt of view of basic as well as applied research activities in atomic
and molecular physics.In this paper we shall study the collision dynamics of the excitation process of Ra atom
using distorted wave approximation theory.Results are presented for the alignment and orientation parameters
at 75eV.
Key Words; distorted wave approximation theory,alignment and orientation parameters, excitation process, Ra atom,
Key Words; distorted wave approximation theory,alignment and orientation parameters, excitation process, Ra atom,
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Abstract:A computer aided simulation study of electron and hole ionization rates in GaAs with reference to
the Terahertz source of power called IMPATT diode is presented in this paper. It is based on the breakdown
voltage calculation using the computer simulation method developed for the DC analysis of an IMPATT diode.
The comparison of simulation results reveals that the break down voltage calculated using carrier ionization
rates data reported by Pearsall et al is in good agreement with the experimental reports.
Keywords - GaAs, IMPATT, Ionization rates
Keywords - GaAs, IMPATT, Ionization rates
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Abstract: A comparison of the capture cross sections in the energy range of 0.1-20 MeV of some 18 stable
fission products using the main international libraries have been calculated. A weighted average values for the<
18 isotopes was found. Curves of all considered data are presented.
Key words: Stable fission products, 109Ag, 81Br-81, 111Cd, 140Ce, 142Ce, 133Cs, 155Gd, 143Nd, 145Nd, 134Xe, 146Nd, 108Pd, 141Pr, 101Ru, 94Zr, 154Sm, 89Y, 92Zr, weighted average
Key words: Stable fission products, 109Ag, 81Br-81, 111Cd, 140Ce, 142Ce, 133Cs, 155Gd, 143Nd, 145Nd, 134Xe, 146Nd, 108Pd, 141Pr, 101Ru, 94Zr, 154Sm, 89Y, 92Zr, weighted average
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Laboratories (April 2009)
[10] JEFF-3.1.1 Nuclear Data Library" ISBN 978-92-64-99074-6 (OECD 2009)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tamil Nadu Rainfall Behaviour: Chaotic |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Helen Ruth Joice, K. Thamizharasan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4861-0213435 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper considers the possibility of making a qualitative test on Tamil Nadu rainfall data for
chaos from a simple nonlinearity test . we have employed the surrogate data method which gives information on
the significance of amount of non linearity involved in a time series data. We have calculated the Lyapunov
exponent for the surrogate data and the original data . The distinct results obtained from both the surrogate
data and the original data implies that the time series under consideration is chaotic
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Abstract: We have carried out some statistical tests of relativistic beaming and radio source orientation
scenarios using optical class, apparent jet speed (βapp) and redshift (1+z) of a sample from Kellermann et al
(2004) as orientation indicators. The final compilation consists of 96 sources. 11 FRII radio galaxies and 85
radio-loud quasars were used for the analyses. Our results show that quasars have higher apparent jet speed
than galaxies with the respective mean values as 6.833 and 1.209. This result is consistent with the simple
relativistic beaming and orientation-based unification hypotheses in which quasars are the beamed
counterparts of powerful radio galaxies which form the isotropic parent population. In order to further test the
unification scheme for these objects, correlation analysis of the observed parameters for the two optical classes
was performed. The result shows strong evidence that FRII radio galaxies and quasars are intrinsically the
same but appear different due to relativistic beaming and orientation effects.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fiction Supporting Decelerated Expansion of the Universe |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umesh Kumar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4861-0214142 ![]() |
Abstract: It has always been a topic of interest whether Universe is expanding or collapsing, if anyone of them is happening then whether the phenomena is accelerating or decelerating. This paper is a fiction supported by the basic principles of physics and Nebula hypothesis.
Keywords: Nebula Theory, Supernova, Gravity.
Keywords: Nebula Theory, Supernova, Gravity.
[1] Swedenborg, Emanuel (1734). (Principia) Latin: Opera Philosophica et Mineralia (English: Philosophical and Mineralogical Works).
[2] Woolfson, M.M. (1993). "Solar System – its origin and evolution". Q. J. R. Astr. Soc. 34: 1–20. Bibcode 1993QJRAS..34....1W. For details of Kant's position, see Stephen Palmquist, "Kant's Cosmogony Re-Evaluated", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 18:3 (September 1987), pp.255-269. [3] Kokubo, Eiichiro; Ida, Shigeru (2002). "Formation of protoplanet systems and diversity of planetary systems". The Astrophysical Journal 581 (1): 666–680.
[2] Woolfson, M.M. (1993). "Solar System – its origin and evolution". Q. J. R. Astr. Soc. 34: 1–20. Bibcode 1993QJRAS..34....1W. For details of Kant's position, see Stephen Palmquist, "Kant's Cosmogony Re-Evaluated", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 18:3 (September 1987), pp.255-269. [3] Kokubo, Eiichiro; Ida, Shigeru (2002). "Formation of protoplanet systems and diversity of planetary systems". The Astrophysical Journal 581 (1): 666–680.
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- Abstract
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Abstract: We suggest a new purpose of a security scheme by employing the nonlinear behaviors of temporal
dark and bright solitons amongst a micro-ring resonator system for signal security application. The chaotic
signal is generated, where the required bright soliton pulse can be recovered and discovered by an add/drop
filtering device. By using the reserve ring parameters, simulation results obtained have demonstrated that the
soliton conversion can be performed. In application, the chaotic signal is generated and formed by the dark
soliton inside a nonlinear micro-ring device. The different temporal soliton response time can be seen, the
response times of 169 and 84 ns are mentioned for temporal dark and bright solitons, respectively, which can
also be used to figure the security key. The technique of optical conversion can be use to improve the optical
communication network systems.
Keywords: microring resonator, nonlinear medium, chaotic signals, add/drop filter, dark-bright conversion
Keywords: microring resonator, nonlinear medium, chaotic signals, add/drop filter, dark-bright conversion
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amplification. Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano) Conference 2010. Malaysia: IEEE Explore.
[2] I.S. Amiri, A. Afroozeh, I. Nawi, M. Jalil, A. Mohamad, J. Ali, and P. Yupapin, Dark Soliton Array for Communication Security,
Procedia Engineering, 8, 2011, 417-422.
[3] M. Bahadoran, I.S. Amiri, A. Afroozeh, J. Ali, and P.P. Yupapin, Analytical Vernier Effect for Silicon Panda Ring Resonator, in
National Science Postgraduate Conference, NSPC 2011: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
[4] I.S. Amiri, K. Raman, A. Afroozeh, M. Jalil, I. Nawi, J. Ali, and P. Yupapin, Generation of DSA for Security Application,
Procedia Engineering, 8, 2011, 360-365.
[5] N. Suwanpayak, S. Songmuang, M. Jalil, I.S. Amiri, I. Naim, J. Ali, and P. Yupapin. Tunable and storage potential wells using
microring resonator system for bio-cell trapping and delivery. Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano) Conference.
2010: IEEE Explore.
[6] P. Yupapin, M. Jalil, I.S. Amiri, I. Naim, and J. Ali, New Communication Bands Generated by Using a Soliton Pulse within a
Resonator System, Circuits and Systems, 1, 2010.
[7] A. Afroozeh, M. Bahadoran, I.S. Amiri, A.R. Samavati, J. Ali, and P.P. Yupapin, Fast Light Generation Using GaAlAs/GaAs
Waveguide, Jurnal Teknologi, 57, 2012, 7.
[8] A. Afroozeh, I.S. Amiri, M.A. Jalil, M. Kouhnavard, J. Ali, and P.P. Yupapin, Multi Soliton Generation for Enhance Optical
Communication, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 83, 2011, 136-140.
[9] I. Amiri, A. Afroozeh, and M. Bahadoran, Simulation and Analysis of Multisoliton Generation Using a PANDA Ring Resonator
System, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(10), 2011, 104205.
[10] I.S. Amiri, J. Ali, and P. Yupapin, Enhancement of FSR and Finesse Using Add/Drop Filter and PANDA Ring Resonator Systems,
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 26(04), 2012.